Are the scientists really doing something for the climate?

That’s a clickbait title, by the way.

“What are the scientists doing for climate?”, questioned some Twitter users this week. The answer is simple: scientists are rebelling.
Meet the Scientist Rebellion, scientists from around the world and different backgrounds, who have banded together to create a radical scientific movement of global proportions, to be at the forefront of the fight against climate collapse and the government’s lack of action.

If not us, who?

Although often ignored, especially when it comes to Climate Change, scientists are more likely to be heard and taken seriously by society than independent activists. In fact, too often the protests and warnings of climate activists are portrayed by the general public as exaggerated and alarmist statements by, as they say, a bunch of hippies, and then immediately dismissed.

Acknowledging this and their privileged position in society, these scientists assumed the commitment to participate and engage in the fight for climate alongside other activists, engaging in non-violent civil disobedience actions that bring impact and pressure our leaders to take real action (instead of just propaganda).

Scientist Rebellion furthers the cause by providing support, connections, guidance, and resources to new activists who want to mobilize in their own countries and regions. Through the *magic* of communication, recruitment, training, and education with no strings attached, the aim is to encourage initiative around the globe and within the scientific community, creating new leadership and bringing visibility to the cause.

Resources for this non-stop work come from the Climate Emergency Fund and individual donations, which can be made by anyone through the project’s website.

Doing science and giving warnings is no longer enough, it’s time to be rebels, stand up for the planet, the climate, and the millions of lives that can be saved by pressing on governments and big companies to make a change.

As the Scientist Rebellion says: there is no such thing as “too late to act”, every fraction of a degree counts, every life saved by our action is important, and every gesture makes a difference. The action plan against climate breakdown already exists, and now it needs to be taken seriously, which is why the rebellion is needed.

You can find more information about the movement, joining the cause, events, campaigns, donations, and their next actions on the official website, by clicking right here.

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